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My Work

Work containing my own original creations

Dissident Whispers

The Whispers Collective

Credit: Writer, Pandoras Hunt


Dissident Whispers is the first issues of RPG adventures from The Whispers Collective. An anthology of 58 original RPG adventures made by a diverse, international collective of creators in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement. All proceeds go towards BAIL FUNDS.

Get it here



Hull Breach

Anodyne Printware

Credit: Writer, Terrifying Terraforms & Essence of Dread

Hull Breach is a massive adventure and supplement anthology for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG, brought to you by a diverse community of 3rd party Mothership authors, designers and artists.

Available soon



Line of enquiry

Toa Table Top

Credit: Author and Project lead

Line of Enquiry is a rules lite system, guide book and starter scenario for people wanting to play murder mystery RPGs

Available soon



Fistful of Sixes


Toa Table Top Original

Credit: Creative lead


Fistful of Sixes started life when my home group wanted to play a high action Wild West sandbox campaign and I couldn't find a system I gelled with. A week later Fisful was born. This is a beta playtest as we ramp up towards publication. Everything is subject to change. Feed back appreciated and welcomed. Join the mail list for updates to the system as it evoles



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