Welcome to the Toa Tabletop Podcast!
On the show we get together with a new guest host each month to discuss all things TTRPG! From game design to advice and tips, the show has it all. Additionally, interspaced with the discussion episodes are actual play campaigns, such as our highly acclaimed Carrion Company. Load the podcast into your preferred podcast streaming service, or listen in browser below.
The Toa Tabletop Podcast started life as Mud & Blood, a podcast dark and grim. Liam's Co-host and Co-founder, Matt Kay, had to step away to focus on family and other projects. Thus the podcast was brought into the Toa Tabletop stable and we are excited to see the podcast grow and evolve. We wish Matt all of the best and if you want to keep up to date with what he is up to, you can find him here.