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Evolution and Change

Writer's picture: Liam StevensLiam Stevens

Kia ora whānau, hope the holiday season treated you all well! It has been some time since I have posted here. Life has been busy but I am getting better at time management and have cleared some projects off my plate, so some big changes are afoot regarding Toa Tabletop and my podcast Mud & Blood. But first...

Before I talk about that I have some news! A project I have been chipping away at since July is currently on Kickstarter. It funded in 6 minutes and at this exact moment in time is the most popular project on the platform. To say I am proud of it is an understatement. To give you an idea of what it is here is the blurb "Hull Breach is a massive adventure and supplement anthology with over 200 pages of all new content for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG, brought to you by an international team of 3rd party Mothership authors, designers and artists." I'm one of those mentioned authors. I have 2 articles in the book with the possibility of there being more to it with some up coming stretch goals. The other contributors have really turned up with some fire too. Its great stuff. If you like sci fi horror generally and especially if you like Mothership specifically you really will dig this. Head over to the following link to take a look. Hull Breach Kickstarter

Toa Tabletop Creations I was working on a zine for Zinequest. Incase you missed it, it was recently announced that Zinequest is being pushed back till August. As I am already committed I am going to go ahead with my zine now however , though I am pushing it back slightly to March. Expect to hear about this closer to the time here on this blog and our socials. Now, those changes... For anyone who isn't up to date with my podcast, Mud & Blood, my Co-Host Matt is stepping away and leaving me with sole ownership of the cast. He has recently had a new baby and wants to better focus on real life and some other projects, and this change comes with everyone's blessing and good will. You can follow Matt and what he's up to here. Naturally, this means some changes are in order for Mud & Blood. Matt handled the majority of back end and admin for the podcast, so I had to find it a new home, and figure out how to manage all of that. Fortunately my good friends at WebDM stepped forward to help me with hosting and some of the social media side of things. This lifted a huge weight off my shoulders and committed me to going ahead with the podcast. The thought of juggling multiple brands as a sole operator was a bit daunting however. So I have made the decision to merge Mud & Blood and Toa Tabletop into a single brand. Going forward Mud & Blood will be known as; Toa Tabletop, the new home of Mud & Blood.

For those regular listeners of Mud & Blood, there will be a slight format change, but I am working to keep it feeling very much familiar. My plan going forward is each month I will be joined by a new guest host who I will record 2 episodes with. One will be the regular interview and discussion that you will be familiar with, and the second will be a discussion on a subject that appeals to the guest and myself. So expect the usual mix of game advice, game design talks etc that you have come to expect from the podcast. Intermixed with these discussion episodes will be actual plays as usual. First cab off the rank for 2022 is Carrion Company Season 2. We wrapped recording this last month. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait for you all to hear it. The biggest change will be a reduction in reviews. Reviews take a lot of time to prep for, as you need to read and preferably play the game before discussing it, and that is not something I feel comfortable expecting of my guest hosts. Plus I am not sure you would like to hear me talking about a product on my own. So to cut down the time sink and to focus on the guests and discussions reviews will be cut right back going forward. I know this will disappoint some of you and I am sorry. But this but its a necessary change for time and sanity cost. But that's mostly it. We have transitioned over the archive of the podcast already, and you can head here to listen to it all. Your RSS feeds etc should click over normally when we drop our first new content in February. Over the coming weeks I will transition all Mud & Blood social media to Toa Tabletop and finalize the move. So don't be surprised if you see profile images and usernames change soon. 2022 will be a big year for Toa Tabletop I have more plans people. A webstore for niche games for the Oceanic region, partnering with some big brands for local distribution and all going to plan a big TTT product release are on the horizon. And you can expect to hear about it all as it nears here on this blog and on our socials. Thank you all for reading this. I wouldn't be able to do this without your support. If you have any questions about anything here, reach out and Ill do my best to answer. Hei konā mai Liam



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